Web search Bot is brilliant but also hopeless. Mad...
# 🤝help
I have a large site I am trying to add a bot to. I added the site as a KB and it does an excellent job of answering questions within the confines of the site content. However, as part of it I have asked it to return a link for further information on the subject, expecting it to use one of the citations, but instead it just makes stuff up. It created great looking URLs but all arent real. It does this across the board on pretty much all links. It brilliantly suggested some low fat recipes etc, but the links to the recipes themselves were all duff. How Can i stop this happening - or can I simply not have any links?
Can you share a screenshot of the produced links?
I am experiencing the same behavior - where the the URLs are stored in the KB and web pages but it tends to make up a url or even put the word 'example' in the url itself - most of the time it does not include the URL at all. It would be great to have a solution that can generate a consistent result where the proper URL is given for each answer.
Not sure what a screen shot is going to offer? What are hoping it will show?
You could call the citations. Then it would show the links. Maybe you could use an AI task to make it better I haven't tried it tho
yes, this was my current thought process. Seems potentially quite complex if it has got the Info from 6 different pages for instance. Was hoping for the bot to be a bit cleverer and not make stuff up.
just as a follow up I have it working brilliantly now. Its all about the prompts and adding the citations as an input task seems to have really helped
Very nice. Would you by any chance share some details about how you have gotten it to work brilliantly?
Sharing your AI task instruction + task input would indeed be super helpful - also, are you using the personality agent? As wondering if that had an impact on the issue at least for mine.
@red-photographer-71993 @fresh-fireman-491 I'm not comfortable sharing this publicly but happy to let you guys see what I have. Is there a DM feature in Discord? I'm a first time user of it.
Would be very nice. I have sent you a dm. Its most likely under message request. If you click on my name there is a small chat box where you can send me a message.