review botpress backend infrastructure
# 👀feature-requests
Hi..can you take a look at your AWS cloud infrastructure setup and look at implementing autoscaling on demand or performanceoptimisation...AWS cloud services dont gitch and laggy usually so what's up with Botpress?? If its not the cloud then its the application...the service falls over at least once a week..thx
We are working hard on stabilizing our infrastructure. A few application bottlenecks as well as a few issues DB performances issues were fixed in the past 2 weeks. We now have a team dedicated to performance, you'll find Botpress much more stable Thanks for your patience and understanding 🤘
Thanks! Hopefully you are working with AWS to implement auto scaling and load balancing to avoid these issues going forward so that Botpress can be considered a production ready service
Without going into the details, issues we have are covered by auto-scaling. Rest assured, auto-scaling from AWS is configured everywhere we can.
....Great BUT once again it was down due to overloading...folks this happens at least once a week...this is not a production ready service if it doesn't auto fail over...or stay up!! Had to move paying clients off your this the same service that Enterprise customers access or do they have a fully working version?