http post from my pipedream workflow back to botpr...
# 🤝help
Hi guys, I’m trying to send a http post back to botpress. How do I do this as normally I would need the endpoint url api
Hey @green-animal-49549 Botpress cloud has webhooks and you can read about them here: I've never actually used webhooks before, but there are other folks on this server who have used them successfully
Yeah I had a look at that but doesn’t really help me. Reason being my pipedream runs steps from receiving the query sent from botpress. Once done it needs to send it back via http post to botpress. How can I do this? The webhook won’t know when the process on pipedream is complete
Hope that makes sense sort of?
Yeah. You would need to set up a trigger that is listening to the webhook, and then from the trigger continue with the bot flow
hmmm interesting, if you could how exactly would I setup the bot press webhook “before outgoing message” ? I know that the trigger in my pipedream work flow will be an http post but not sure how to point it at the webhook
@acceptable-gold-88171 do you know?
I’ve installed the webhook and enabled the integration. Now I need to enter webhook event card, but I don’t see this in the studio? Please advise 🙏🏼🙏🏼