Actions Botpress Cloud
# 🤝help
I would like to know if there is something similar to actions within Botpress Cloud because I used Botpress open source and had created some methodologies with actions that helped me a lot, but I am not finding this in the cloud. I tried to create a subflow receiving parameters to act as an action but when calling it 3 times the bot has a looping error detected.
Hello @bulky-sunset-57003 the Execute Code card is the equivalent to actions in V12.

Hello @flat-plumber-75402, but I need of a reusable function with parameters like the actions , we have this?
Hey @bulky-sunset-57003 we do not have the reusable function you have with V12 in cloud yet. I would recommend adding request in the
However, in the mean time, you can create an execute code function and copy the code. And then paste that code into an execute function where you need to use it again.