URL length limit?
# 🤝help
Hi, I am having trouble uploading a Sitemap to my knowledge base. It contains 244 unique URLs and 92 have failed, all of which were 96+ characters in length. The successful ones were 95 characters or less. Is this a known fault and what can be done. Report ID 7de8d5e5-5aed-4e9e-b7b8b34fd2
It could be. Have you resolved the issue? If not you could try the links that are 96+ characters and paste them in manually in the web page
Yeah, I tried the urls individually as well but still didn't work. I'm pretty sure it is a problem with a built in parameter that limits the length of the URL. Not sure how to resolve it.
We would have to wait for a dev team comment. Since its so many links it would be to much to add individually to a text file