Urgent-Why sometime the bot will return just name ...
# 🤝help
as shown in the image above. This is where sometimes i get the value and some times i get only variable name. do you know about why? Is it true that this would be the case where the value of workflow variable is not pre-defined?


You have to have a variable saved before it can be output. Either your not saving it correctly or the output name is incorrect. In the foto your variable is called workflow.workflowUserAnswer. Why are you using the word workflow twice, is that a mistake or are you unnecesarily adding the word workflow to your variable?
yes, we are new to this and we're bad at naming varaible but this is what we named


@faint-architect-61419 I have had this happen to me occasionally/randomly, though most of the time it is fine. Are you finding this is happening frequently or just occasionally or randomly?
thank you!! we got it twice after searching 50 times. this is unacceptable. we really need to find a way to make this never happened
I completely agree about this not being acceptable, it appears there is nothing we can do to prevent this from our end. I can only speculate it has something to do with needing better error handling behind the scenes for the Botpress team to resolve somehow.
I will also add that I have occasionally/randomly but not frequently seen the bot respond with the full text of my prompt instead of giving an answer. This in my opinion is even worse.
Could you share the logs for when it happens
good point will do.