My saved saved bot works and my published bot fail...
# 🤝help
I've been working on my bot for the last few days, Im right at the finishline and all of a sudden it decides to fail in the published version only, the emulator works perfectly. Here is a video where I explain it

@User I exported everything to a brand new account and it proceeds to fail for no reason that I can see
Chat gpt troubleshooting below
@freezing-printer-49373 hey mate I recorded a loom here
oh hey thanks
i'll only be able to check in an hour or so
can you do the extra step of generating a report id?
thanks here is my report ID, it asked to uplaod a copy of the bot but didn't provide any way to do so. I will upload it here
Report ID: 58a809a7-ef9f-4c6b-8b5f-f637d9ead4bb
I wanted to give you an update. I'm having issues on my side loading problem reports, which is preventing to help right now
as soon as it's fixed
i'll get to it