Trigger: How to stop other workflows?
# 🤝help
Trigger event usage show stopper: My web site sends me a trigger event with custom payload for every page that user visits. Based on that say on page 1 The bot is guiding with details of page 1. Now user jumps to page 2 another trigger event with page 2 payload should come instead the same old workflow of page 1 continues. In fact the last message of that page 1 workflow repeats instead of new actions of page 2 events starting. Is there a way to stop all other workflows (kill, exit) when i get a trigger event? The contextual helper use case of web site is getting hampered big time by this any help will be appreciated!
Hey there, just to clarify, are you saying you have different triggers that initiate different workflows that are designed for different pages?
Would also help if you post example screenshots
You could maybe use folders for this? Not sure I fully understand but what I got folders seems like the way to go
Trigger is a single event as supported by botpress webchat interface. Which is sent with different payloads from different pages of a site. Each initiating a different workflow.
so are you using one trigger that then flows into a node that decides which workflow is initiated?