Ability to set client limit for bot usage
# 👀feature-requests
If we could control bot usage and set limits from within BP that would be amazing from a business standpoint, as it would make pricing / controlling token costs a lot better. Also help with thoses bot tests we do that sometimes end up getting abused by clients who decide to share with all their friends and "whoops" there goes all your usage
thank you 🙂 for adding it in the feature-requests
Hey @some-monitor-72088 , what agencies typically do is manage client limits through workspaces
Right, but within a workspace, I can only limit a single entity / client, right? In my case, I have bot(s) that I self-host on my own sites then charge a small fee for access to (on an individual level). However, as I wouldn't know these individuals personally like I would client, they're could be some within the users that abuse the service (spam). In that case it would be nice if there was some sort of "hard ceiling" built into the public-facing bot on my site, to keep abusers from running rampant with it.
ahh ok so when you mean client is you would like to limit to a user or a session?
Good morning @freezing-printer-49373 , hope you had a good weekend. I'm trying to think of best way to explain it. I guess I'm wondering how I can track the usage of these individuals (let's say there's a hundred of them) and if needs be limit it to avoid overage costs. Ideally, I would be able to limit a specific user without affecting access to the chatbot for other users. I can have them create user ids on my website, and from that build a database, but I don't know how / if it is possible to tie into a particular workspace without them actually being part of the workspace (because there are so many of them). if that makes any sense