Classifying User Responses for Chatbot Flow
# 🤝help
Hello, I'm working on a chatbot that evaluates a user's response in a hypothetical scenario to determine if they've shown appreciation to a coworker. While I've managed to get the basic functionality working, I'd like to enhance it further. Instead of the chatbot merely informing the user whether their response showed appreciation, I'd like it to classify the response as either "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory". Ideally, this classification would be stored in a variable. Based on this classification, I aim to direct the user to a specific node tailored to their response. Could you help me out? The photos show my current setup. Thank you in advance!

I'm just shooting and idea and it might not work but couldn't you check if the variable was equal to satisfaction and then send them some where else if the variable is equal unsatisfied you would send them to some where else
Might be able to do it with a execute code care
Just an idea and not sure if its doable
Going off of what Decay is suggesting. You could ask the AI task to set a boolean variable called is_satisfactory or something like that to True if the AI task finds the answer to be satisfactory and set it to False. This would be in addition to the feedback variable. Then you can add expression cards after the AI task to direct the flow based on whether or not the boolean variable is set.
That's smart
Thank you very much Decay and Narakeru!! I really appreciate your time! I will try it out!!
Any time