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# 🌎general
@cold-motherboard-82208 @some-baker-90541 sorry but I need to let out my fustration. So disappointed with the updated webchat. Clearly we faced all these issues within the last few days because of the update to the webchat, but we was told it was because of server resources. Anyway about the actual update, we should have been given either an option to move to latest version or at least a heads up that this update was taking place. I have built the webchat with the advanced styler and have made many custom changes, those changes now do not transfer to the new version and they are messed up. My webchat on mobile is an absolute mess. Also where has the download conversation button gone? where has the conversation list button gone, and why is the delete button a restart icon? At least then change the UI to say, would you like to restart the conversation. It's a Saturday and now i am having to re-build the webchat for a handful of bots.