Integrating Botpress Chatbot with ML model
# 🤝help
I'm working on integrating a Botpress chatbot with an ML model, but am completely new with using API's etc so an absolute beginner with the process. Right now, I have code written with Django and Python to receive a request, but how do I send a request to my ML model with Botpress? Would I need to know Javascript? Are there any resources to get started?
I think you have to use langchain for this. Do look integration of langchain with botpress
I'm not too sure how Langchain would be relevant. Looking at it briefly, it seems to be just an LLM framework, but doesn't Botpress already handle that?
No. Botpress is a Chatbot builder that can be integrated with LLM apps. You have to first build the LLM app with your model in langchain or any other app and then integrate it with Botpress
I followed the Botpress tutorial. It seems sufficient to me and it seems like if you publish it, you're able to use it just like a chatbot. Is there something I'm missing? Also, after integration with Longchain, how would I do the integration with my current ML model? Thanks for your help so far too.
Hi @brief-ability-40001, I would write the code in Python since you are familiar with that, then put it in chatGPT and say : "convert that to javascript using the axios library." Since the Axios library is very mature and Python is well supported by ChatGPT, it should just work.
just make sure you use the const response = await axios... syntax so the information is stored correctly.
We update the docs to include some instructions to do this, let us know if you have any more questions!