Send Button/Image Problem
# šŸ¤help
Hey botpress users! I have two problems that I was wondering if anyone else has experienced. The first issue is the send button issue, I attached an image of what is happening, I am just unsure if I can get rid of the button, or change the box to the left at all. The second issue that I have had is the base image before you open a deployed bot. My bot updated recently and it had a cool text box image that you find on the styler website, but when I deploy the changes my button is just blank on my website, which I also attached a picture as-well. Thank you guys so much in advance for any help and I look forward to finding the solutions!ā–¾ā–¾

Hi, have you tried to give some changes through CSS? This is just an example.ā–¾

Are you talking about the CSS code in the styler?
Yes @purple-author-40665
@bright-magazine-792 šŸ‘€
I tried the CSS code with the send button issue, would it be the same with the image issue too? The image used to be there and it appears on the styler website, but when I update my bot with the styler link nothing shows up
Is your bot new or quite old?
It is new, about two weeks old since it has been deployed. It used to be grey and then I logged on once day and it had changed to be blue with this txt box image which I loved. I found the styler existed so I tried to make some changes, but when I updated the image disappearedā–¾

I had sort of the same issue, @purple-author-40665 Did you try with this class /* Change Bot Widget Icon */ .bpw-widget-btn { border-radius: 50%; background: url ("imagelink.png") center/contain no-repeat; /* Modified URL */ } And add this one too .bpw-floating-button:before { display: none; } To remove the chat image on top of it.
I think the main problem is that I never had the image URL in the first place, the bot updated and it just kinda appeared there
I see wht you are saying. Have you tried to upload the chat widget script on a different HTML page? just to discard that your page builder isn't the main reason, I had a similar problem and I switched web builder and it worked for me, but you can give it a shot, furthermore, you also have the chance to download an image like the chat icon above and paste it to the CSS as an URL.
I have and I do not believe the website is the problem, do you have any recommendations on where I could find some cool text bubble URLs? I know how to get to icons as PNGs, but I do not understand how to upload them as URLs to post it in the CSS
Sure, let me grab one for you, The CSS class to do so is the one I shared with u above. * Change Bot Widget Icon / .bpw-widget-btn { border-radius: 50%; background: url ("Here you paste your URL.png") center/contain no-repeat; / Modified URL */ } And you can go on to to take a look on the chat icons images. Hope it helps mate.
Here you can upload your pictures and get the PNG URL
This is perfect, thank you so much, I will let you know how it goes!
Glad to help!
just to clarify, after I upload my png on the second website do I take the direct link and post it in the CSS? or the link?
You should take this one, the long one.ā–¾

Direct link
Awesome, thanks
Would anyone have a solution to my first problem? I love how the bot is set up on styler with the image and the send button, but I cannot seem to get that button, let alone fix my original problem.
@early-train-33247 this is the issue I was talking about. Can you please have a look when you get a chance?
I had same issues with it, what I did to get something like the image attached, was to copy and paste the configurable script and change the Host URL V0 to V1. This little change could have also helped with the chat widget icon image.ā–¾ā–¾ā–¾ā–¾

how did you edit the configurable code? edit my bad I totally misread that, did you drop the configurable code in the styler and it fixed it?
I first edit the CSS and then got the style link and paste it into the web integration settings and saved it, after that I went to the Configurable tab and copy and pasted the whole script into my web builder and edited the Host URL.
If you work with Wordpress just get the configurable link and paste into your HTML script space, and you just edit it there. ThereĀ“s no need to get the entire CSS because the Stylesheet link is already attached into the script.
This is on my website builder, I donĀ“t know what it looks like in Wordpress but its the same concept.ā–¾

I changed it from v0 to v1 and it didn't work, I may be doing it wrong, but I took the code, dropped it into the styler, ran it, took the link, deployed it, and it still didnt work
The script musnĀ“t be paste into the styler page, it needs to be pasted into your website builder code space
Ah, so would I delete the other pre-set code in my website space and replace it with that configured code?
ThatĀ“s right
I just deployed it and it didn't work, neither problems got fixed
Can you share a SS? of both pages

Not sure what you mean of both, as in the problems still?
I mean the CSS styler botpress page as well.

Obviously I couldn't fit the whole code in, but I can copy and paste it if you'd like too
@early-train-33247 @bright-magazine-792 I would love if you guys had a chance to take a look at this too when you are free, thank you so much!
Sent you a DM @purple-author-40665
Could not figure it out, but I appreciate the help @freezing-agent-97632 have a blessed rest of your day brother
You as well bro!
New update, I finally figured it out, I appreciate all of the help!