(Outdated) Botpress inbox tutorial
# 📖tutorials
Yay thanks for sharing!!! 🙂
I have no code knowledge, but I am trying to copy your steps. when i get to "npm install" i get some error npm : The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + npm install + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (npm:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException I see that .history appears before that If anyone can help me
I did it ! Thank you ! I don't know what I did, this is a matrix for me, but it works perfectly! 🙂 🚀
Amazing and gj.
You're a real professor @fresh-fireman-491 😉
Thanks a lot for creating this tutorial @fresh-fireman-491! Very neat!
However it's now outdated because I just released a new version that's much easier to use. Tutorial coming real soon as well!
Ofc. Unlucky that it's outdated already but amazing that you have released a new version. Excited to try it tomorrow
Please let me know your thoughts!
lel, I was blind, didnt saw I can delete msgs -.- I am deleting now useless msgs, got tons. Because testing notification triggers, so bot first responds. Client is advertising so msgs are coming in 😂
@fresh-fireman-491 I just got it done. your tutorial was an inspriation. Thank you @early-train-33247 you have made it easier without the .env change. I did it on codespace and it was a breeze up and running in 5 mins flat. Both of you rock
@early-train-33247 Can I still use the .env variable I dont want to keep pasting the key and URL every time i bring up the server
@cool-gold-3015 take a look here
After a long weekend i finally had some time to take a good look add it. Its so much easier to setup and use now. A QoL thing would be able to select conversations and den be able to delete multiple of them at a time since it takes quite the time to do them one by one.
where I can see the updated version @early-train-33247 ? is it launched?
great job @fresh-fireman-491 for this tutorial
Thanks The updated version is on the github
You wont need to keep pasting in the new version 😉
Thanks @early-train-33247 you are a rockstar
Hi there, I've been using the web version of your program and I noticed an issue while deleting conversations. When I delete a conversation and then quickly move to another one to delete it as well, the program kicks me out of the new conversation, forcing me to enter the conversation again. I believe this is happening because every time a conversation is deleted, the program refreshes or updates everything, but before that there is a slight delay which allows me to move to a new chat before the refresh is complete. This wouldn’t be a big issue if I could delete multiple conversations at once, but if that feature is added, the delay might increase, and I might get kicked out while reading a conversation, which isn’t ideal. I made a video to better demonstrate the issue. I hope it helps in understanding and fixing the problem. Thanks! https://www.loom.com/share/d98d5796aaeb4f299e48df63820c8a2a?sid=6837094a-88bf-47b2-aca0-4ef57f1c0e2e
https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1148268132092346408 For the new version by @agreeable-cricket-15390 🔥
Thank you @agreeable-cricket-15390 👌