How to make AI respond when users ignore Buttons
# 📖tutorials
Currently, we can't block the user input. If we have a choice card, the user can just ignore it and type whatever he wants. This tutorial shows how to make the Knowledge Base answer questions if the user ignores the buttons. Now: 1- In your single choice card, add the retries configuration and put it to 0 2- Add a transition to handle failure (like I did in the image) or put an "always" after the single choice card 3- The Knowledge Agent can't respond to questions from the previous node, but you can do it with a Knowledge Query card, so add one 4- In the input of the Knowledge Query card, put {{event.preview}} 5- Store the answer in a variable like I did and display the answer with a simple text card Alright, now your chatbot can answer from the Knowledge Base even if users ignore the buttons. The template is shared below, just to quickly try it out.
realy this ?
Do you need help?
i dont understand where you talk about retries
Every time the user ignores the buttons it's a retry. If you don't set a number, it will keep retying forever.
I chose 0, so if the user ignores the buttons he will be directed to the Knowledge Query
If you want to give the user more "attempts" you can set it to 2 for example, and the user will be re-asked the question 2 times
ok i understand thanks
Let me know if it works, I will assist you 🙂
ok thanks]
it worked 🙂
Is there a way to do this with ai task instead of the kb query card
i am from the future
i am way smarter than the old me now
so dont take me for granted