References when building chatbot with documents
# 🤝help
Hello everyone, I was wondering if this was answered. Is there a way to list the specific location of the information (page number etc.)? I could not find the comment on Discord, let me know if it has been already answered.

If you take a text card and write this in it: {{turn.KnowledgeAgeng.citations}} it will show a text with there it got the information from. I don't think it will include the page numbers.
Thanks for the help, I gave it a go, but got an error message TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (readon 'citiations')
I think citations is spelled wrong. Try typing in the {{turn.KnowledgeAgent.citations}} and then click enter once the correct option comes up to make sure it's spelled correctly. Currently on my phone to can't go in and see how the command is spelled correctly unfortunately
Ohh yes indeed! I'll play around with it
thanks again
Any time and let me know how it goes