Can you set Citations before querying the Knowledg...
# 🤝help
I am getting a value from a Cloud Function and set it as variable (work like a charm). Can I use it as one of the Citations when using Query Knowledge Base. Any tips will be appreciated 🙂
Yes, you can add it in the input or the Query Knowledge Base card and then write the question
@brainy-summer-1041 by input do you mean the Query field of the card? I have tired it this way, but even though the answer is there (plain text) QKB didn't create an answer.
The answer must be displayed
I know, for the questions with data in the KB it works fine
In the KQ settings, store the answer in a variable. Then just add a text card with @workflow.Variable
Or wite in the text card {{turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer}}
I have that implemented already, the standard KB questions work fine. But it doesn't work when I try to ask it questions related to contents of the Query field.
Can you tell me more details? It's hard to understand from outside
Sure, I have it setup the following way: Knowledge Base Contains some general information about health. Query field of QKB --- Brazil won the world cup in 2022. {{conversation.SummaryAgent.transcript}} --- I am storing and displaying the reply of the QKB card using a variable. Case 1 - works When I ask something like "What is health?" bot answers using the KB. Case 2 - no reply When I ask "Who won the world cup in 2022?" it doesn't answer. Logs show "No helpful answer generated by KB"
In the query field, you didn't add the actual question. Try to put in this: Question: {{event.preview}}. This expression will take the last message from the user
Still the same thing if I set it up this way: Query field of QKB --- Brazil won the world cup in 2022. Answer this question: {{event.preview}} ---
Why do you put the info about brazil into the KQ? It's simpler to just put it into the Knowledge Base and the KQ will work just fine
I want to dynamically add to KB informations retrieved using a webhook