Combination bot
# 🤝help
Hello, I am planning to create a bot that suggests clothing combinations to users. For this purpose, I've prepared a data table and added various clothing product details to it. In my table, there are details such as the product name, color of the product, and the purchase link for the product. My goal is for the bot to automatically generate a combination and provide the purchase links for the relevant clothing items when users request outfit suggestions. How should I proceed with this? If you have any tutorial videos or documents on this topic, could you please share them with me? Thank you so much in advance for your time.
Well i dont have any tutorial but I can make it for you
Ok. How will you do it?
But just a quick tip how would i do it, collect the user data what color and style he wants then import you kb and under ai task explain to him that he i a stylist and give him tips like what color goes with what and things like that, and for the links i would add seperate part where if the user wants he can get he link from some table or pdf
But yea this is just simple idea there is more tehnical parts that needto be done
I understand so how do i set the connection with the tables?
+ for the links = make a record table that records what did the first ai task said and based on that connect it to the other ai task that reads that table and finds links that look the same
with kb
knowledge base
Can you explain this in a little more detail? 🙂
well that is in my head how I would make it, but I would need to get all the details to make it into a real thing
you wanna hop on a call?
Of course I would like to join, but I can't speak English. My language is Turkish. If you want, I can provide you the necessary files.
I've done this before, but it doesn't give the correct links. This bot makes combinations by taking gender information from the user. When the user says "make a combination that will elevate my mood", he combines with colors that increase mood.
The bot I made earlier.
You can talk to the bot by pressing this icon.

you mean you want acurate info, but bot is halucinating? check this thread #1135590661316415658 . Also they just made . So you could filter tables with Ai. Just you need to know some coding.
Thank you for the answer. With this method, I can make it find the products. This resource will work for me. So, how will I get the desired combinations to be made? For example, a combination is created as upside-down. (For example, t-shirt + jeans) How will I get her to combine in this work flow? Must recommend at least 2 products. (Let me make it a little simpler: the user wants combinations > Bot recommends at least 2 top and bottom products)
in this filter you can write that "filter: AI`Find ${workflow.usermsg} and recomended minimum 2 top and 2 botom products`," something like this. You can give any Ai instruction as you want. It will output array of answers to maximum 10 I think. 10 whole rows.
curently there is bug, with Ai filter, I hope they fix it. I think I can give you template than for it, with simple instructions. But need to wait until they fix error.
I would be very grateful if you could send me the template. Something will come to mind when I see the template. Because of the error, I can work on other methods.
Hello, would you be so kind as to share your template file with me? I believe I've made some progress and would like to review your template.
they need to fix error, last time it didnt work, when you insert ${event.preview} inside. I am waiting for that. when that is finished can test it.