Allow changing the Name of an input node: custom I...
# 👀feature-requests
Implementing this would improve readability and allow for descriptive conversational design.
hey another thing (turn off KB asnwering lol)
Yes! Same for "Execute code" cards. For code, it generates AI ones, but they're not great.
I am pretty sure you can edit the description of the execute code card in the top left corner of it. I am not sure if it carries over to the display though
You can. It does not 🥲
Oh well that would also be a nice feature
this would be nice indeed !
just an example of how this would look 🙂 I also added in the idea of Storing execute nodes so builders can build much faster and potentially share their code
Thanks @cold-jewelry-54343 for the suggestion!
I did NOT know this. Nice. Sad it doesn't save the name though.
Just to add a usecase for manually naming execute code cards: Since this name is used in the logs but the names changes all the time, it makes it impossible to scrape logs for examples we can use for re-training and testing. Simply making it possible to manually name an execute code step would be a huge win for this reason.
@straight-spring-13315 , to solve this, we encapsulate code segments into their own flows. This way you get both code reusability (can even have flow variables as essentially function variables) and consistent logging.
Thanks for the tip. I find passing variables back and forth and having to switch workflows to edit very cumbersome. But you did give me an idea, instead of using the execute code step name directly, each node name exists in the raw logs and can be used for this to differentiate code steps! (as long as it's 1 execute code / node which is generally our case)
@straight-spring-13315 , happy to help! By the way, regarding the variables, if you're confident in your code, and you don't need GUI representation of vars, you can just define and access any arbitrary vars in "session" scope. E.g., let's say if you have a "survey" workflow with a code card that does:
Copy code
session.userSurvey = {
score: 9,
comment: 'All good',
then once it's executed, you'll be able to do:
anywhere in your bot.
Wow, I keep learning something new, had no idea session.varName was possible. Really helpful. We do something similar for boilerplate functions where we eval() a bot.functionName variable. You seem like quite the Botpress power user, are you using it to build a product or do you do agency work?
Thanks for the compliment! I'm working in Support Operations, and among other things -- building a customer-facing support bot for our company. Since we had quite a number of requirements when deciding on the backend (we use our own client), I had to try out and experiment with a bunch of platforms, and instead of "let's see what this thing can do", the approach was more like "I need to recreate this complex thing on this platform. How?" 😅 . Btw, among all the platforms tried, Botpress is by far the most flexible one. Love it!
Hey there Remo 👋 I think it would be better to ask future questions in a post in #1111009377525186570 so we don't flood this feature request post 🙂 It should only be the token costs
Posted it here by accident 😝
Ah okay, makes more sense as I see you as a veteran here