Cannot edit cells (Object) in tables
# 🤝help
Report ID: report_01HSEASFBYKM6387DBWDWV41BR The table cells for my objects are now uneditable. Was working fine before. I can edit text cells but not objects, why??? What happened. Tried on different browsers and even rebooted my system. Any column that is set to "Object" I cannot double click on the record cell to edit it. Please fix this... please. 😫
Can you please pinpoint a table for me and the name of the column? I'll give it a try.
BotSpeechTable; column en and fr
@crooked-van-25152 I just found that if I click on the left most part of the cell I can edit it.
@crooked-van-25152 This does not occur with other types, like string, number & date. You can click anywhere in the cell for those, but for object you now must click on the left most part. Even when I create a new table i can replicate this problem.
Thanks for the info. I'll try and get back to you.
Do you have the same issue when adding new records? Because it works perfectly fine when adding new ones. The issue for me with your bot, is really when trying to update the description of an existing object.
@crooked-van-25152 I did try it with a new table and that is how I discovered that you can still edit it as long as you click on the left most part of the cell. But I am going to try it again later today. And keep in mind, a few days ago it was all working fine.
Reporting this to the team now! thanks for flagging it
Little update for you @important-hairdresser-21646 🙂 A fix has been deployed. There was an issue that prevented analytics data from being loaded into the dashboard. Unfortunately, it might take a day or two before the more recent analytics data shows up in your Analytics dashboard, as there's a backlog of analytics events that have accumulated and now need to be processed.
Please keep me posted in the next 2-3 days so I can mark this thread as solved!