First Message Slow (even with always alive feature...
# 🤝help
Hey all, I use the always alive feature and it seems to have improved the first message delay compared to not having it but there is often still a delay. With the bots I use that open automatically (using some custom script) the first message comes up straight away which is great, but when it does not automatically open, and the user clicks the widget, there is still a delay before the first message sends. Sometimes the user types at this point and it throws off the whole workflow. Any suggestions anyone?
When you say they are throwing off the whole workflow, are they doing so at the beginning of the conversation on the first message or throughout the conversation at any point?
So my bot is triggered to talk first, but sometimes there is a delay for that first message so the user says something before the first message, and that message then is taken as their input on the first card when they should see the first message before making an input
In this case, the first message says hello, welcome and then there is a single choice with a few options, but if the user talks before the first message appears, then captures whatever they said as the single choice input
I've noticed this too... It's screwing up my whole workflow... sometimes waiting up to 10 seconds for the first message to be triggered, even when clearing the chat, there is a significant delay at times. I always automatically open the chat via js so it's not unique to users clicking the widget
Quick question guys, on the first node, do you have a text message or do you do operations?
like AI operations?
Another questions, what active agents do you have?
I have a few 2 small operations, doing a lookup in a table, but it's tiny. No agents active
How is your trigger and the start node linked
Hey guys, sorry for the slow response. Super keen to overcome this! My first messages are always text cards.
I'll share a ss @glamorous-guitar-39983
Could you show me an example of how this is messing up your bot?
@proud-memory-60003 and you have the always active enabled?
Because I know that it can send like both messages 2 times instead of once if you have start and conversation started trigger linked to the same node
Yes, always active is enabled
Should I remove the start and just have the trigger?
I will share a video example
actually yeah I think you should only link your conversation started trigger
I will give that a go and let you know if it makes any difference. The main issue though is that I want the message to be sent to the user immediately as the bot is opened
I'm not sure you can do anything about that
Removing the start connection seems to have fixed the issue, although there is still a slight first message delay sometimes, it doesn't disrupt the workflow if the user says something first.
Would still be great to see if there's any way to ensure the first message happens instantly every time though