help with WhatsApp business
# 🤝help
Hello guys someone here knows how can I receive and send messages on Whatsapp business. Bc when I've integrated the bot on my WhatsApp I can't see the messages. And I can't answer them either... Does anyone here know how to do it?
Have you integrated your bot to your WhatsApp Business account on Meta?
Yes, the problem is that I can't send messages or even access the WhatsApp chat... But the bot is answering normally
Did you have a livechat integrated?
No, thanks for the suggestion let me try and see if it works
Hey it didn't work
@echoing-nest-94161 bc I already have botpress connected so I can't connect anything just 1 integration per app
Please can u help me @crooked-van-25152
To explain everything I've connected my WhatsApp to botpress through meta business and it works perfectly. But I can't see or even answer the messages, there's no way of working with this bot and not being able to see and answer messages. I believe there's a way to manage these messages so I'm begging for help
And also I can't manage the WhatsApp on the inbox session on meta business. And I can't connect to any other sites I've tried to connect to livechat but it didn't work bc I already had 1 integration on my meta business app
A mi me ocurre lo mismo, @careful-salesmen-16250 lo pudiste solucionar?
hey max not sure if I am understanding your issue clearly but are you trying to see and read the conversations users are having with your bot? If that's the case then you can't access them through your WhatsApp unless you use the conversations tab on your Botpress account. from there you can see the conversations but you can not reply or engage. i hope this helps
Thanks for this message @hundreds-battery-97158 !
@careful-salesmen-16250 what Takudzwa said is right. You can see the conversations in your Conversations tab.
Not yet
Hello @hundreds-battery-97158 I already knew about this tab. But I can't respond to messages at all?
I need to like answer the messages when needed
Well currently you can't answer but you can checkout the zendesk integration which will allow HITL
You effectively need the Zendesk integration to be able to answer people.
We might add more integrations down the road! But for now, this is the one that would allow you to talk with your users.
Ooh, ok I got it 🥲
Thank u for ur help guys @crooked-van-25152 and @hundreds-battery-97158 🙏
I'm gonna try Zendesk rn
@gorgeous-oyster-17601 check the Messages... U can try Zendesk like I'm going to do