Trigger off any message sent with specific keyword
# 🤝help
Is it possible to trigger an action (like human rollover, or end of the chat) on a specific keyword mentioned anywhere by the user? So for example the user would have the option to say the word "Agent" at any time during the chat bot process triggering an integration action or end of chat etc.
You can look at Intents or AI transitions
@strong-dream-3861 wouldn't I have to do that for every single step?
You would yes
@fresh-fireman-491 is it possible to instead create a new entity that way we can always check for the word "Agent" 🤔 but behaves as a raw input if that word is not present? I've never actually used custom entities tho so I might be misunderstanding it's use case.
You could probably do something like that yea. Not sure if you can do it purely with the Entity, but the users latest message gets saved in event.preview, which you can then save, like the Raw Input card. You can read more about the Entities here Let me know if you figure something out!
Hi marioaldayuz, it's definitely possible to trigger an action like human handover or ending the chat when a specific keyword, such as "Agent", is mentioned by the user at any point during the chatbot process. This can be achieved using triggers and events in Botpress. You can set up a trigger to activate when the keyword is detected in the user's message, and define an event to specify the action to be taken, like transferring the conversation to a human agent or ending the chat. Additionally, as Portalone and Decay mentioned, you can look into using Intents or AI transitions for a more dynamic approach, or even create a new entity for the keyword "Agent". This would allow the chatbot to check for the word and treat the input accordingly, whether the keyword is present or not. For more detailed guidance on creating custom entities and using Generative AI features, you might find the Botpress documentation helpful: [Entities]( and [Generative AI]( Let us know if you need further clarification on any of these solutions or have any other questions!
@square-energy-41150 how to make a custom event for trigger?
# Sending a Problem Report Here's how to send the Botpress Team a problem report: 1. In the Botpress Cloud Studio, locate the "Help" icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. 2. Click "Report a problem" and follow the steps on the screen. 3. Copy the Report ID to your clipboard and provide it to a member of the Botpress Team on Discord.
@quick-musician-29561 I was trying to do something like this. Is it possible?
Want the bot to listen for a certain key word at all times and trigger an action if that event happens
@careful-kitchen-31087 @astonishing-napkin-74260 That's a great idea! 💡 I think Decay & BotpressBot helped us here. I have not used Botpress Entities, Intents, & AI Transition almost at all. But I think it's time to learn those as well, so we can try to solve this together during the weekend and ask for help from those who have already used these. From the BotpressBot: "You can set up a trigger to activate when the keyword is detected in the user's message, and define an event to specify the action to be taken, like transferring the conversation to a human agent or ending the chat." "You can look into using Intents or AI transitions for a more dynamic approach, or even create a new entity for the keyword "Agent". This would allow the chatbot to check for the word and treat the input accordingly, whether the keyword is present or not." "For more detailed guidance on creating custom entities and using Generative AI features, you might find the Botpress documentation helpful: Entities and Generative AI"
⬆️ I think with those instructions we should be able to build it 🛠️
Yes ! I'm still trying to wrap my head around botpress entities. I shud check the documents. Also not really sure how to define a custom event when my bot isn't on a website, per se.
Same! ⚡ Let's see what we can come up with in the next few days. We can build as many simple chatbots doing just that until it works.