I've seen a few questions here (as well as in DMs)...
# 🌎general
I've seen a few questions here (as well as in DMs) where the bot builders want to connect a Botpress chatbot and the OpenAI Assistants API, but they need 100% control over what happens and when to use Botpress and when to use the Assistants API @fresh-cricket-89011 @best-army-74344 I'm not sure if I have understood these questions and use cases completely correctly, but if you build something like this https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1180023587646746715 In your chatbot, place this part in a new workflow, and in the main workflow guide the user automatically to go there (Assistants workflow) only when you want the chatbot to use the Assistants API. Then, guide the user automatically to go back to the main workflow when you no longer need to use the Assistants API. This way, you have 100% control over when the chatbot uses the Assistants API.