【ツ】A little understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javasc...
# 🌎general
【ツ】A little understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript would be good especially if you want to code some logic into the chatbot yourself, or customize it to look cool. But you don't need those skills to start building Botpress chatbots. In my opinion, a good way to start learning how to build Botpress chatbots is to watch all the short videos on their YouTube channel, choose the long videos that interest you the most and what you want to learn how to do, and then just build along. The best way to learn how to build chatbots is to build them every day, and when you come across something you don't know, look for information on docs and ask here. Practice is key here too, and while you're practicing your brain learns best from mistakes and surprises; and I get both of those every day!