update a record
# šŸ¤help
Hey guys, I have ā€œUsers table ā€œ set and work perfectly! But, Here is my case: The flow of my chat bot goes like: Bot: whatā€™s you name ? User: yasmeen ( name stored in userā€™s table ) Bot: how old are you? User: 25 ( Age stored in userā€™s table ) ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ *Then bot will ask the user : Bot: All info is correct? Or you need to correct something? User : I want to update my age Bot : so what is your age? User : 22 Bot: ok, Iā€™ll update that! ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. So how can I update the ā€œageā€ in the userā€™s table?
Hello @faint-pizza-68420 , you should not save it in the table yet. Keep it in variables, if you decide to change something, just change the variable, then if the user agrees then you can save it in the table.
That's why you ask if everything is correct in the data provided, to be sure and send it to the table
Ok šŸ‘šŸ» Iā€™ll try it then , thanks a lot!
šŸ˜‰ Let me know if there is anything, you can still do it if you have already inserted it. However, the correct way would be to keep it in variables and then when the user agrees to take it to the table.
Updates: @billowy-morning-42410 Iā€™ve tried your suggestion , and itā€™s works as I want exactly! Thanks