How can I test the changes published on live websi...
# 🤝help
What do I need to delete, what cookies or something? I am not sure I think I removed all the stuff I found but still didnt see the new updates, but when I took the code and embedded to local html it had the updated changes, please help!
Can you update the code you embed ? Btw, if it is the stylesheet you have changed, the stylesheet might never change even if you update the bot(it is a bug), and if so, then you should export your bot template, import it in a new one and then change your stylesheet and new stylesheet changes should be updated
its avatar url and style
neithger changed
but I believe its the issue with some cookies or something, dont you think that too?
I mean I can update the code to answer your question but its completely the same so there is nothing to update
@glamorous-guitar-39983 ?
Well one thing you should try is using a configurable script instead of an embed script if you didn't already
Well I used an embed script and didnt have any issues until now, is config script really that better in updating the bot?
Well in this case it should update the new code
Whereas your embed script is stuck at its current state which is why I recommended you to export your bot and import it