Order Tracking system
# 🤝help
Hey everyone! I hope you're having a nice day today. I'm building an e-commerce assistant chatbot and i'd love to introduce a feature for the bot to be able to send information to the user on where the product is. To be able to track the product you have to introduce your "tracking number" in the webpage of the business which does the shipping and then you should be sent to another page where you have the information of where your product is at in a text format. How can I make the bot pull that data off the webpage and send it to the client?
so you would like to get shipping information about the product that is already ordered , is that correct ?
When we're done with this i'll create the other post
you would need to connect to the Tracking Service by API
do you have a database where all your tickets + product info + costumer info is stored ?
cause then you can pull the ticket > request (GET) that particular data from the Tracking service using API
and use code to display the result in your bot directly
or open the webpage
in case you want to link to a specific webpage you need to figure out how the URL is encoded
Send data from website to botpress webhook
so you can write code that takes a template and changes it based on the ticketnumber which opens that specific page
what do you mean by that?
how are you tracking orders/tickets etc.
Inside botpress I have a variable that contains the user's "tracking number"
but where do you store these numbers ? how does the store keep track of orders basically
The shipping company sends the user an e-mail with their tracking number so they can use it to track their order
I don't think the e-commerce store keeps any of them
Because the tracking is done by the user itself
The idea is that the user provides the bot with the tracking number and the bot is able to send the info that the user would have to search themselves
Like entering to the web, introducing the tracking number and getting the information
But I have no clue on how to make the bot introduce the tracking number into the website to then pull out the information that is given
well you got to learn about webhooks/API
and work with the API from the tracking company (if they have one)
alternatively, they might have an URL which is encoded with the code
which would simplify the process since you can then take the template url and embed the code in it
Ive g2g now but Ill check later with your progress 💪
Yeah I was gonna step into it either way but i don't really know where to start
I would ask GPT and input it our convo
Ok have a good one man
first do a no code analysis: find if the company and if they have API