Open-ended Questions 🤔
# 🤝help
How do you imagine a bot to ask open ended questions to give more personalized responses? I'd like the bot to periodically ask open ended questions for the user to provide more information. It doesn't have to ask after every message. For example, a user asks about diet, the bot gives an answer, then the bot asks an open ended question like "what's your current diet like?" The bot will now know more about the user and respond with more personalized messages. This way, there is a back and forth convo of asking and answering. Giving a more personalized experience. (KB is coming from StackAI)
Maybe you could use an AI task here. Give it the Chat summary from the Summary Agent and give it the last sent message from the Chatbot. Ask it to give an open ended question based on the latest message from the bot and the summary of the chat. Just an idea
I'm also trying to train the bot to ask the user open ended questions, how do I capture this kind of data?
Hey there You unfortunately can't really train it to be better at anything. The bot will only do what you have set it up to do. You could also try the AI Task and see how that works out for you.
How do you setup the bot to capture specific data when asking an open ended question?
If it's just 1 thing like an email you could just put the open ended question from the AI Task in the desired capture information card like Email but I would use an AI Task if it's multiple things