Properties of a deployed bot from free botpress pa...
# 🤝help
- is there a limited amount of messages that's cumulative or for a single use (not as much of an issue)? - am i able to integrate the bot onto two different platforms a -e.g. if on a website, are two ppl able to use the bot at the same time? (apologies if a stupid question). Thanks alot
Hey There are no dumb questions here, just dumb answers. I take it that with single use you mean a single session where you are chatting with the bot. There is not a limited amount of messages to that. You can have multiple integrations active at once and multiple people can chat with the bot at once and have their own chat, just like ChatGPT.
Thanks . Is there a limit on the number of integrations ? Or any other sort of message limit
I haven't run into any limit with the amount of integrations but I can't say for sure that there isn't one, but I don't think there is. You have the 2000 free messages and after that you have to pay for them. In the settings of the bot you can edit the node repetition limit, which is something you might want to look into if you are using the same nodes multiple times.
So if you deploy it and sell it to a client it may randomly stop working because of the 2000 message limit ?
Yes, unless you decide to buy more
Oh ok thanks so you’ll get a notification about it and you can buy in advance ? Before embarrassing yourself to the client
I believe it is set up to send you notifications about it as a standard but you should check
Maybe @crooked-van-25152 could let us know more about this?
Yes, Sara. You'll receive a notification saying you're getting close to your monthly allowance.