change widget icon in styler
# 🤝help
Hello team, I´m trying to update my widget icon from styler botpress but nothing changes. I´ve tried with different URLs and from "style your bot" and "advanced styler" but none of them worked. Could someone please assist me here? Thanks a ton! 🙂
do you mean your bot avatar ?
ok so paste in your image into discord left click on it then right click then say copy image address and then past it into your styler
Yeah, the image I want to use as the chatbot widget launcher icon.
It worked Theo, thanks!
To also change the bot avatar image inside the chatbot I ought to create a new line of code?
hey there guys! I have the same problem. I have uploaded my logo to webflow, used that link in the webchat styler for "Image URL". In the webchat styler it show the correct logo but on my website it always shows a different one (screenshot). Have had this problem continually no matter the picture.
This is the pciture I want to use. I will also try using the link from here
still doesn't work... any one got an idea of how to fix this?