KB Problem
# 🤝help
Trying to create a bot that recommends mobiles and laptops based on some questions and raw input. Even after setting GPT 4-Turbo as Model Strategy in Knowledge Agent and in Advanced Settings under AI Generate Text, the latest products seem to be from 2021 which I would like to be of 2023.
so basicly a poduct recoommendation bot ?
According to the Database which is a doc file containing mobile phones and their properties, it should have been Moto e13 based on the answers to questions. But it recommend this message as shown in the screenshot
Hello Yes
Can you send a screenshot of your AI Generate card so I can see the setup
Do you mean this?
Yes but the one for mobiles and not laptops
I'm actually facing the same issue for laptops too
That is weird. Can you try and make the temperature lower. Like 0 or 0.1
Just before the AI Generate text card
Have a text card with all of the variables used in the AI Geneate text prompt
For mobiles
Like this LBrand: @workflow.LBrand etc
Just so we can see if there are some unwanted information being used/stored
Thank You . Will try this
It's taking user input correctly
But recommended a mobile that was released in 2021
Where is the data from that it should make a recommendation from? A table or is it just up to the AI Task
If its just up to the AI Task, you might want to include that it should only make recommendations on phones released 2022 and after
Or 2023
The KB for mobile is actually a docx file as well as searching the entire web
Should I give filters for searching the web? Like pagesn discovered in last 7 days
Are you using the answer from the KB with the AI Generate text card? The only place I can see you query the KB is with the raw input card. Maybe it would be better since you got the ability to structure your data to use a table with all of the information about the phones from your docx. Then you can search in this table for phones that meets the criteria's.
Not 7 days but maybe like 1 year
Unless you only want really new phones
Before the raw input, some single choice qeustions are being asked to the user and stored in variables like workflow.brand, workflow.budget, processor etc.
Those variables are given as prompt to AI Generate Text Card
This is working
Thank you
Do you suggest giving the contents of docx file as a Table?
What kind of content do you have in the docx file?
Could you just share a few lines from it
Hi Sorry if something related is explained before, I have searched and didn't find the same question. I have a website knowledge base that works perfect but those websites update their content daily so I want to explore the Search the web option to be able to have the content updated every time the user uses the bot. I have changed the KB in the Node to the KB that uses Search the web but every time I ask something i get this: Knowledge Query No content matched the query Searched in Planes y Eventos Web Logs (1 items ) Skipping KB agent because none of the 1 KBs provided search results I don't know what I'm doing wrong, anyone could help me? Thanks in advance!
Hey there Iñaki We can better help you if you create a separate post here in #1111009377525186570
I just have created there, thanks!