Reply sent according to logs not in message histor...
# 🤝help
Report ID: 16f18aa2-ed07-40db-8ac4-7dbab6a5a714 Chatbot logs show an outgoing message but the conversation history does not and the user did not receive the reply. Feb 12, 2024, 8:59:48 PM [ac24912636] [dm] : Message of type text received from 2b5c90ae-380e-4809-adc9-20ddd7a4070a on webchat Feb 12, 2024, 8:59:52 PM [ac24912636] [dm] : Sending Message. Type: text. Text: Which program's start dates would you like to know about?
are you able to reproduce this error?
if you're able to reproduce this error, it'll help us diagnose and find a fix 🙂
otherwise it can be difficult to track down why a user didn't receive a message - which could be due to a number of factors, not all of them related to Botpress
Makes sense except that Botpress' own conversation history shows that the message never went out, suggests something on Botpress' end no?