Auto KB answer
# 🤝help
Hello everyone I am looking for a way to send an automatic text from a knowledge base. The text would be sent after the user picked a choice in a multiple choice card. This card's choice leads him to a new workflow. I feel dumb because this doesn't looked that hard but I can't get a proper answer from the bot without having to ask again the user.
@jolly-policeman-82775, thanks it was helpfull, but now I think I broke your bot. As a matter of fact, I am facing the same issue on my own Bot, do you know why it's happening ?
give me that kb
It's simple rich text, I tested it with the exact same question from the choice card and it gives me an answer there. Oh, another factor, my users are French so the bot is built accordingly Here is the KB : 1st program: The Science of Exercise: A synthesis of years of study, research, and sports science knowledge that gives you the best exercises for your physical goals and athletic performance. 2nd program: Geeknfit training program: With different workouts designed to train typical physiques, with additional keys to adapt them to your profile. All at the price you want. 3rd program: The warrior's anatomy: understanding everything about the human body.
Quick update : I have found a much simplier way, but as I could try to use your method in the future, if you found a solution I will be glad to hear it 🙂