When I create a new workflow, the connections betw...
# 🤝help
When my workflow get's too long, I create a new workflow, but in this new workflow the nodes don't seem to connect. The conversation just ends, sometimes I get an error message, but mostly it says: 'variable answer captured - conversation ended'. In my first workflow, where everything works fine, the 'raw input' changes to 'answer' (see attachment). But in my new workflow it stays as 'raw input' , even when I copied the node from the original workflow where it appeared as 'answer' (as in the attachment), it changes to 'raw input'. I'm not sure how to get it to say answer, or if this actually matters. I've had the problem of the node connections not working before, but when I create a new node, no changes, it does work all of a sudden. But with my new workflow I can't get the conversation to progress. How do I solve this? THANKS!
I do not think the name of the card changing to Raw Input is an error if you are using user variables @bulky-terabyte-17538
But one thing you should know is that workflow variables can't be saved through separate workflow like yours, except if you make it so that it registers the workflow.variable. But you can only register 1 workflow.variable to send into your separate workflow. But user variables allow you to save the answer throughout your workflows, so you can send as many variables as you like. I would greatly recommend you to use user.variable if you intend to use past information (out of this separate workflow), since there is no set up required unlike a workflow.variable.
This is the procedure using a workflow.variable :
So first you need to create a variable inside your main workflow, and inside your separate workflow.
Now toggle the workflow variable inside your separate workflow, in the start node (the green one), and click on the green part. You will then see a variable appear. Click on the variable to toggle it.
Then come back to your main workflow, and click on the separate workflow (you will see a row appear, where you will be able to enter a variable). This is where you put your workflow.variable from your main workflow
But this is way too long to set up if we're comparing this to a user variable where you just need to create the variable in the main workflow, and you'll automatically see it appear in the separate workflow, and you'll still be able to use past answer
And as I mentionned you won't see the name of the raw input card as the user.variable name, it'll stay "Raw Input".
Neither will you see the Raw input card change name in the main workflow, when using user.variable
I also noticed you had many expressions card, it might help to show pictures of what's inside them
This should explain the matter
let me know if this works and helped you
also you do not need to put on the exit node the variable if it's a user.variable, it will also register itself after exiting the node unlike the workflow.variable
gonna try this tks bro
You're welcome
Thanks a lot, it certainly did help, much appreciated!