Bot KB-answering by typing just a word instead of ...
# 🤝help
Hi everyone! Is it possible for the bot to answer from a KB, when the user just type a word/topic instead of a question?
cant you use ai trasniotion to a node adn then add in text there ?
Would the bot just spit out all of the information it had about that topic or how would you like it to answer?
the bot should answer in a correct and logic way (i prefer a short answer, not the complete information (could be too long))
the answer depends how long the information in the KB is
You could do a manual query to the knowledge base. Here you would use the Query Knowledge bases card and make a custom prompt that would look like a query. What can you tell me about xxxx or something like that. Play around with it and see what works the best for your use case. Let me know how it goes
what do you mean with a manual query to the KB? Do you have a example to show me? 🙂
I am not at my pc right now but you should be able to see a query KB card if scroll down
Simple template