Click on images and retain the information
# 🤝help
I just want to know how to offer a choice with several images and text, the user then clicks on their choice and their choice is kept by the bot and then brought out at the end to validate the user's choices
You can use a single choice card and save their choice in a variable. Then reference that variable later
than k you but with signle choice card i can't put image to click on
I can do it with carroussel card but i don't jnow how to save the informations then
What is your way of doing it with the carousel card?
If your way of doing it sends a message in the chat from the user you can save it from the event.preview variable.
workflow.variableName = event.preview
Will save the latest message from the user in the desired variable
How can we ensure that when the user clicks on a certain image, it sends a message in the chat?
I don't think you can use images as buttons. What you could do is adding buttons like "Image 1", "Image 2" etc.
Yes but don't really good
Maybe a @User knows how to make the images buttons?
Is this web or other platform? @steep-quill-83165
Yes maybe ? @User @cold-motherboard-82208
i don't undesrtand your question
Are you building this bot so it works on web, telegram, WhatsApp ?
web @bumpy-addition-21507
Ok so I don't have a great deal of experience with using the bots on web but I would suggest saving the clicked value on a variable and send it to the bot. Have you tried that?
I believe that currently, users can only interact with the carousel if we add an action button there. And after some testing and debugging, action button only works if you specify a web address to redirect to after clicking. Storing all the image details in a variable when clicking the carousel image would make for an excellent feature request 💎 (if it doesn't already work using some advanced Botpress magic that we're not aware of but would like to learn!) 🪄
Something similar is already in feature requests