Clear chat at start/finish of flow
# 🤝help
Hi guys, when testing a bot on the emulator or on my phone, it keeps showing the previous chat history even after all the previous tabs have been closed. I have to test it on incognito to get around this. I’d like the bots to behave the same way as VF bots, i.e. a fresh chat is created every time! I believe this is something to do with clearing the cache, but would be really grateful for your words of wisdom on this. Thanks in advance 🙏
Hi there Have you tried the Clear conversation on exit. I think it is perfect for that task
@adventurous-fireman-68085 keep us updated whether this worked for you or not?
Hi @famous-jewelry-85388 nad @fresh-fireman-491 , This worked perfectly, thanks!
That is good to hear🛠️