Help setting up the Zapier integration
# šŸ¤help
Hi everyone, I'm new to botpress. My intended use case is to create an internal company bot that acts as an interface for our Zapier automations. Based on what someone wants to do, I'm planning to read the intent, choose a path that collects the information required to complete the task and then passes that information to Zapier, triggering a zap and to run various actions to complete the task, and then pass information back to the bot once doneā€”does all that sounds reasonable for botpress? I've been following the guide, but I'm stuck at "Using Zapier to trigger an action in your Botpress chatbot". This integration seems rather new, and I think it was previously done with webhooks, so I can't find any guides anywhere. My sticking point is 'Webhook URL'. I assume this must be different to the Webhook URL used in the trigger, but I can't find what it could be. The description is 'Botpress Webhook URL for Zapier channel of the bot you want to connect with.' Which is different from the trigger Webhook URL description 'Webhook URL from the "Zapier" channel of the bot you want to connect with. Thank you in advance.
Just to add, I did assume it must be different to the trigger URL as I thought it would just create a loop but I tired it anyway and it didnā€™t work. Iā€™m still very new to webhooks.
Maybe the webhook of your bot's integration works
I'm using instead of Zapier but it can be similar
Hi Aaron. Are you able to send data back to the bot after running an automation in Make?
Let me finish my meeting and I will link you the tutorial I followed
Hi Aaron, do you have time to find that tutorial? Would really appreciate it, cheers!