Enter the name of your agency
# 🤝help
Hi, I would like to put the name of my agency and therefore replace "Powered by Botpress" with the name of my agency at the bottom of the chatbot. How to do it?
You can't change the text but you can disable it. You can add a description to your bot with your agency name it. If you go to the settings in the webchat integration you can edit everything there.
yes i know this settings thank you. I was looking for doing it in the advanced styler or smotheing else
You could just add the text on your website and give it a higher z-index value than the webchat but make sure that it looks good in all sizes
Following this thread. Keen to also test this out but dont have the time to do so. So far this is the solution I am thinking of.. Test it out and let me know if it works.. 1) In styler.... > `/* Styling for the "⚡by Agency" text at the bottom of the chat */ > .bpw-powered-by { > text-align: center; > padding: 10px; > background: #C5AF72; > color: #ffffff; > font-size: 14px; > border-top-left-radius: 10px; > border-top-right-radius: 10px; > } > > /* Styling for the link within the "⚡by Agency" text */ > .bpw-powered-by a { > color: #ffffff; > text-decoration: none; > } > > /* Styling for hover effect on the link */ > .bpw-powered-by a:hover { > text-decoration: underline; > } 2) in HTML website code > > ⚡by Agency >