Who owns the data inserted into the knowledge base
# 🤝help
Hi there, I have tried to search discord for this information, but could not find it. I would like to build a knowledge base of propriety data using PDFs, Word Docs, etc. I know that when using Chat GPT, and information posted belongs to Open AI, is that the same in this case OR do i still own that data and it remains private ?
Followin this too, @crooked-van-25152 any idea?
I apologize for the confusion. You can find information about data ownership and privacy in our privacy statement, which you can access at this link: [Privacy Statement](https://botpress.com/legal/privacy-statement). It should provide you with the details you're looking for. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
I'd have a look at the link that the Botpress bot sent!
Hi there - i have emailed legal@botpress.com twice now since this message and no reply - is there anyone who can answer this question ? Cheers
Hi Neil! I checked with the team behind the legal@botpress.com, and your email somehow fell through the cracks. The team will get back to you in the following days.
Thank you
You're welcome!
Good question. I'm a beginner with the same question. Have you built a simple knowledgebase bot? I'm hoping I don't have to start from scratch. If so would it be possible to share it? Then I'd have something I can build on.
Hi @crooked-van-25152 - just checking in as i have not heard back from legal - am keen to try build something for my clients in 2024, but their data is proprietary and cannot be owed by another entity - cheers
@some-wire-64344 busy tone.... legal can't answer 🙂
Hi @crooked-van-25152 - just wondering this there has been feedback yet. Am keen to use the tool but cannot share proprietary data if the ownership is compromised - cheers
The ownership is yours at all times. Botpress does not use conversation data or any other personal data for analytics, algorithm improvement or training. The Botpress team doesn’t have access to your data except if you share your workspace with us. About our integration with OpenAI: - OpenAI is set to not train on API data. - OpenAI is not aware of session data and no personal data is sent to them. - More information on Open AI API policy: https://openai.com/policies/api-data-usage-policies. - You can also find our DPA governing our relationship with OpenAI Please let me know if this addresses your concerns @some-wire-64344 .
Yes, thank you @crooked-van-25152 - have a great day 👍
You're welcome!