Unable to deploy gpt
# 🤝help
I'm following along with this video but when I get to the point of deploying the gpt it just fails with no specific error.


Hello !
When you deploy, are you on the GPT itself?
This might be the reason it fails
Yes im onthe gpt itself
Any help would be appreciated im try to use this as a selling proof of concept to my team
@acceptable-gold-88171 can you please help here?
Is there any other support path available? In the screenshot I posted it says that "we are notified" could I get connected with whoever "they" are?
2 things : - are you using custom functions in your gpt? - are you uploading non-text files?
I’m not using any custom functions but I did upload a csv file with data
okay i guess this isnt possibvle and this isnt the platform for us. thanks for your help thus far
Hi Update, I know that GPTs support more files than the OpenAI assistants api. If the assistants can't process the file directly, it needs to be converted to text somehow.