Knowledge Base
# 🤝help
It's been over a month since I last worked on my bot, I left it in working condition. Now it seems that it's not pulling from the KB anymore. Are the KBs not linked to the nodes anymore? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
You cant manually do it anymore with a query kb card
You use kb with capture information cards
How is your bot set up? As VinneV said Botpress have moved over to querying the KB cards on the capture information cards. It is still possible to manually query the KB with the Query KB card. One down side is just that you can't select a specific KB to query but the Botpress team has noted this and it might be updated🤷‍♀️
But You can recreate the function by Creating 2 or more separeted folders and putting inside differents workflows and Knowledge base. 💪🔝
That is true, but some people were saying that it didn't work after the new update and I haven't tested it. Do you know if it does?
I do have the KB on the capture but it doesn't answer the user question? Can I DM you the bot so you can check it out?
The whole update is weird, I just can't pull answers?
What is your KB setup?
Yes i tried.
After looking at your bot @gray-lamp-20432 I can see some problems. All of your capture information cards are without a question to ask the user. This means that they won't work in the webchat. After adding some text to them can you see if it still doesn't work properly?