Can I make a drawing app in botpress, that also do...
# 🤝help
Can I make a drawing app in botpress, that also does image recognition? I am to make a botpress app that would have a node that allows for a drawing pad, and the app will apply image recognition on it and stores that information.
Hi there. Are you planning to use this on a website or where would you like to do this?
Perhaps on a phone or a tablet, as an app.
I think the best way to do this is to send an event to your browser or app which would then open up the drawing pad. You can make an API call in Botpress to GPT Vision with the image. You can either do it with a link or by base64 string encoding the image and then using that. Would recommend you to just upload it to something like an AWS S3 Bucket and then getting the link from that. I got a template hopefully soon coming out that shows you how to do it in the browser. Can be transferred over to an APP with some modifications ofc.
"I think the best way to do this is to send an event to your browser or app which would then open up the drawing pad" Which drawing pad would you recommend for me to use?
I don't have a lot of knowledge about that unfortunately.
Ah, thanks, but assuming I am able to make these drawing apps, how would I be able to integrate it with Botpress? And is there a free version of GPT vision that I can use with it? Thank you
I think most image recognition costs a bit of money unfortunately but there might just be 1 that is free that I don't know about or that you can run on some of your hardware and then call every time. @User anyone knows?
Well, for now, how would I be able to integrade a drawing app to a botpress?
That is a really good question and I'm honestly not sure. You could check out this page for all of the integrations Botpress has: Maybe a @User has done this before or has an idea?