Hi guys I hope everyone is doing well. Does anyone...
# 🤝help
Hey there. Could you create your own post so we can help you in there 🙂
When you are saying Raw input I take it that you mean the KB. If you go to agents and then select the knowledge agent you can see that you can add some additional context to it. It already has the transcript and the summary but you could try and play around with it to see if you can make it better. Its used to make the KB aware of previous messages. You could try to do it in another format or maybe with only either the Summary or the Transcript. Let me know what you find out.
I think he was talking about the Raw input card..If is that, you can easly store the user message by creating a new variable
Basically what I want for example if a user says he has a problem with his payment method the raw input will say yes but what problem and the moment he lists his problem I want the raw input remembers it was a payment issue.
You could use the AI Task to find the topic of the conversation and then save that in a variable