calendly integration
# 👀feature-requests
A way to integrate with calendly without custom code
I am pretty sure other people have posted about calendly in the feature-request channel!
Make sure to upvote their feature requests as well 😉
I think there are also tutorial videos about that
Agreed with @cool-policeman-94412 ! Our community is super active. I'm sure you can find a video on YT about this.
there is no video as k=such
as such*
you can only do it with links
Cant u do it thru another app like zapier or whatever
Hey guys, Can you tell me more about your business scneario?
Well it’s not that big of a deal but it may be a little annoying for the customer when I have data capture for their email and stuff and then send the link to calendly and they have to type their email in again
got it
What do you think?
I did a quick look and it sounds pretty good
I’ll look into to and see f I’m able to do it. I’m kinda bad at this lol
it's okay, there is always a first time 😛
Ping me here in case you face and issue 🙂
Did you manage to do it?
Thanks for the follow up 🙂
Hey I just got a client and I’m trying to integrate a bot to his insta so I’ve been super busy sorry
I got it to pre-populate my Calendly booking by using a link in the text field to render a hyperlink with prefilled variable info. ✨ Note: Pretty markdown link and URL will break if you use variables that render strings which include spaces (example: A notes section from the lead capture) It breaks because the spaces within the notes mess up the URL string. (Maybe someone can come up with an improvement on the notes part -- Personally I haven't tried an AI task method yet.) Here's the code I used in my text field to get the result in my screenshot. Thanks for the answers already being in the Botpress Server. 🙏🏼 ⚙️ Cheers.
Select an available time and start your journey. [Book Your Free 30 Minute AI Strategy Call :calendar: Now]({{workflow.chatbotLeadName.first}}%20{{workflow.chatbotLeadName.last}}&email={{workflow.chatbotLeadEmail}}&a1={{workflow.chatbotLeadPhone}})
This is great @gentle-engine-13076 ! Thank you for sharing with the community
Would you kindly add this to the #1132038253109837994 channel? I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate seeing this there ❤️