Setting a bot limit
# đź‘€feature-requests
At this moment it’s only possible to set a limit per workspace. It would be a great possibility to set a limit per chatbot, so future customers can be limited in how much they use their chatbot. In that case you could have different and multiple chatbots in a workspace, where you can manage each chatbot independently for usage and costs!
Second that - makes a LOT of sense.
hey there
I understand the utility of this
but just curious, why not just separate them by workspace?
Really? where is this documented? not seen it
Because you may have a limited use bot isomehwere. I agree it is likely used rare, but still.
In my usecase it’s quite essential! But I don’t know if its difficult to implement, as it is already being built in per workspace
I might even thing of something like that. You say you want to separate by users usage, so then for sure you know your users of the bot. No then you get their information, with that you can set up a workflow that count the messages made each time they use the bot and save that in the end as a variable in a table, that can be checked by each new conversation trough an AI task, that even can remind the User that he has left X-Messages left for this month. User Information = X-Amount of Messages
Hey @narrow-agent-91470 II am currently looking into setting up a scanrio like the one you just described above. is it possible and do I need code?