I've been looking for a chatbot/service that has the ability for users to upload an image file, and that file (and a few other user input variables) to then be passed on to other places through zapier. I think this feature would be beneficial and useful in a variety of scenarios.
Hey @helpful-account-28481 ! A lot of people have requested having the ability to upload images.
Do you have a scenario in mind that you could explain where having this exact feature + possibility to pass on to other places through Zapier would be beneficial?
Trying to allow staff to upload images and select where theyre sent to, or have the bot send them to the correct place depending on the type of image
Thanks for the clarification.
sending support tickets to maintenance for example
adding here that it would also be cool that we could save this image file in a table to then send an email notification
Here's a way to upload files with a contact form: https://ohdoylerules.com/web/zapier-webhooks-for-html-forms/
Would be awesome to do this in the Botpress interface
@crooked-van-25152 for insurance claims, reporting or even verification/identification... endless use cases actually
Thanks for providing a few examples
indeed there could be endless possibilities with such a feature
@crooked-van-25152 Just wanted to bump this up now that we have APIs for GPT Vision, GPTs with code interpreter as tools, etc.
Will you be attending today's meeting @cool-summer-17043 😉 ? If so, make sure to speak about this!