Updated Analytics Dashboard For More Insights
# 👀feature-requests
I took a look and I didn't find anything on this specifically. If this is already being worked on that's great. Found this article that I think highlights some features that Botpress could implement like: https://chatimize.com/reviews/botpress/ It would be incredible to have updated Analytics which shows additional information like: User Input -Get input from users that the chatbot didn't understand. *Open Rate *- The % of chatbot users that opened a message inside of the chatbot. Click Rate- The % of chatbot users that click on a button inside your chatbot Conversion Rate- % of users that converted through the chatbot. For example, the % of users that gave their email addresses. Fallback Rate - The percentage of interactions where the chatbot did not know an answer to a question. Or analytics that would be more relevant for bot builders and the information their clients may be interested in. Note: I'm aware this article was written in 2021 and updated recently and may not reflect all the improvements or features Botpress now has but the Analytics could definitely be more robust.
Hey @clean-xylophone-13519 !
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. This is great!!!!
The goal is to improve the product so you can all benefit from it. This detailed post will be super helpful for the product team 🙂
I'm happy to. hear this.
I second @clean-xylophone-13519 on this. Advanced analytics would be super helpful @crooked-van-25152 I can upload a CSV file here to show some of the fields that'd be good to have, if that'd help the product team
Please do add to this thread 🙂 it will help us have a more solid use case.
Always helpful for the Product team.