Feedback on Chatbot's Answer: ThumbsUp/ThumbsDown
# 👀feature-requests
A quick way to receive feedback from the user without breaking the conversation flow, with a small 👍 👎 next to the answer. Just like the one we have on ChatGPT
Would you see this reflected in the conversation history?
In the chatbot itself, but then also see the results in the convo history?
To see if the bot actually did a good job
I would keep this as optional, like a toggle setting or agent, that would be cool, maybe at the end of a node or card
Nok not only in the chathistor - variable, so one can run it intpo a workflow and dump the whole chat into a table or external workflow for evaluation
@crooked-van-25152 This would be great, maybe also save it as a variable and be able to access the evaluated responses in a table. but honestly, any way we could have access to this rates later would be great. it's a great way to receive quick feedback from the user, and certainly for the training and improvement of chatbots, this feedback is very important.
I agree, it would be a great way to gather feedback and see how the bot is doing.